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About Sudoka

Sudoku grids are everywhere today, and the newspapers, free or not, that you are led to read probably publish them. You are intrigued by this game but have never dared to take the plunge. Now is the time to give it a try, because without ever judging you, this app will show you how fun and affordable exercise is.


In addition, whether you are a beginner or an expert, a sudoku, gleaned from a newspaper or from the internet, can sometimes be a problem.


Here you will find the support necessary to progress.


Progress in the knowledge of the “tricks” to be implemented to solve a sudoku or just benefit from the “boost” necessary to cross a difficult milestone.


Only solutions that are simple to understand are proposed, even if, of course, some are sometimes complex to identify on a grid. You can easily apply them on the grid of your newspaper.


If you are a beginner, you will quickly understand, as with other games, that the goal is not so much to invent strategies, strategies after all well known and implemented here, but that what makes all the salt of the exercise, resides above all in the discovery of that which it will be necessary to apply at the opportune moment.


Once you have fully acquired the processes to be implemented, processes that you will able to replay indefinitely here, on as many grids as you wish, you will then have to apply them, alone, and enjoy the pleasure that can be offer to those who have taken a little trouble to achieve it, a completely filled grid.


Nice Sudoku to all.


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